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In awe of our Country...

Well I'm back in Sydney, for a short time, consuming all that I have seen, heard, felt while being in the most amazing countryside that is Corner Country NSW. It's hard to fathom that just shy of 175 years ago Captain Charles Sturt conducted his Inland expedition across this land and with so many learnings gained along the way. These stories will become clear in the interpretation and experiences we provide in the Sturt's Steps project. But its not just about Sturt, its so much more... but you'll just have to wait as I start to bring you some magnificent stories of Outback NSW!

But I do have some exciting news. As you may or may not know the Sturt's Steps project is more of a passion and as we wait for the funding deeds and project commencement times, bills still need to be paid. So how lucky am I that I can connect my passion for outdoor space, recreation and education into my tourism experience and knowledge with the announcement of Lorick Management being awarded the Executive Office Management for Outdoors NSW.

As CEO I will be managing the organisation's annual plan and produce outcomes for a sector that is so important for our economy, our health and our natural resources. If you are in the outdoor sector... in leisure, recreation, tourism, education I urge you to get involved and see how Outdoors NSW can help you now and into the future @outdoorsnsw. I commence the role officially on 23 March, but you know you can contact me anytime in relation to opportunities for connection and collaboration; its in my blood. :)

I can't finish this update without acknowledging this unprecedented, bizarre, thought provoking situation that lies within the community shutdown due to the Corona virus. Its taking the social out of community as we try to remove this virus from being! Of course I ask that those who are at risk of serious illness from this virus to take all the precautions necessary, and I ask others to consider the people in your actions as they don't deserve this virus as much as we don't. AND I ask for consideration too for the mental health repercussions of small to medium enterprises face with declining business and revenue and / or by the staff laid off by declining business revenues.

The events industry has all but ceased momentarily, the sporting industry is facing challenges like never before and many other sectors are suffering but we must remember... this is TEMPORARY and we will need to get back on track into the near future. Be there for one another, check in with those you care about more regularly and like WWI, WWII, and other health epidemics there is an end and a new beginning.

This is also a good time to consider the #travelnswpledge and as I saw the usual comical facebook posts about Corona/ Covid-19, there was a message I can't help but think that it is a great idea #avoidcoronaandgobush.



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