Sturt's Steps is a multi-faceted project that will provide visitor-experience infrastructure in the Unincorporated Area of Outback NSW. The project was successful in gaining substantial funding via Restart NSW and Infrastructure NSW with the support of the NSW Government.
The project is owned by Milparinka Heritage & Tourism Association and was managed by Visitor Economy Development and Public Works Advisory NSW. Launched on 14 August 2023, the touring route is open to all travellers that visit Corner Country NSW.
Meet The Team

Ruth Sandow
Chair of Milparinka Heritage & Tourism Association and
Instigator of Sturt's Steps

Lori Modde
Project Manager of Sturt's Steps
General Manager of
Visitor Economy Development

Mark Pascoe
Project Co-ordinator of Sturt's Steps
NSW Public Works Advisory
The Committee
NSW Government
Representing NPWS - Jaymie Norris & Gareth Telfer
Representing Transport for NSW - Matt Perez
Representing Regional NSW - Hodi Beauliv
Representing DPI - Ellen Day
Representing Crown Lands - Jody Chinner
Local Interests
Representing Local Aboriginal Land Council (Tibooburra) - Roxanne Robertson
Representing Tibooburra Village Committee - Dan Hough
Tourism & Heritage outcomes - Ruth Sandow

Sturts Steps involves the installation of many wayfinding and interpretation signs across the 1,100 klms to help tourists navigate and discover the region.

Interpretation Centres
These centres will provide comprehensive information for visitors on their journey and add to the existing infrastructure in each location.

Clearing of built up silt and rubbish in the area and the enhancements to make it an Outback Oasis for visitors to Milparinka including the addition of Bed & Breakfast Accommodation.

Camp Kitchens
Camp Kitchens will be added to Milparinka & Tibooburra Campsites with a third under investigation (budget pending) at Sturt National Park.

Sturt's Cairn

Stabilisation of the Cairn, interpretive signage and a walkway from the carpark to the Cairn to make it easier for visitors to climb to the top.

Fort Grey
Interpretation enhancements and visitor amenity at the Fort Grey conservation site including a giant Bilby Sculpture commissioned by an artist.

Sculpture Trail
Sculptures will be commissioned for various key sites on the journey that are reflective of the nature, history and messages of the land.

Digital Application
In todays world the innovation opportunities that digital techology provides can enhance a visitors experience 10 fold, and this addition will do just that.