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Project Update

The Sturts Steps Infrastructure Project is now complete and has been handed over to Milparinka Heritage & Tourism Association to run and manage from here. Check out our wonderful images that showcase what has appeared in the Corner Country region through this project. A list of all the additions is below. 

Milparinka Heritage Town Logo [BLACK] CMYK.jpg

MasterPlan, Waterhole, Camp Kitchen, Post Office, Accommodation and Museum


Town Walking Tour, Museum, Camp Ground Camp Kitchen, Art Trail

Sculpture Trail

Sturt National Park, Tibooburra, Milparinka, Packsaddle


Wayfinding, Interpretation Shelters and Information Posts




Fit Out



The town in the centre of Sturts Steps Touring journey is undergoing much change in this project and elements include;

  • Waterhole refurbishment

  • Town MasterPlan

  • Post Office renovation 

  • New interpretation spaces

  • A Night Sky Park

  • Additions to the existing caravan park including a Camp Kitchen and Shelter 

  • Extra Accommodation for caretaker

  • The Milparinka Sculptures



Also a significant town within the journey, Tibooburra also has many additions being added to the visitor experience. These include; 

  • A new interpretation centre

  • Town walking tour

  • Additions to the existing camp kitchen at the Local Aboriginal Land Council camping ground

  • The Tibooburra Sculpture of a Cameleer

  • A Mural on the interpretation centre

  • New amenities in the park


Other Elements include;

  • Wayfinding and Interpretation Signage

  • Sculpture Trail

  • Digital integration with extra engagement for visitors

Sculpture Trail

Art Trail

The component of the Art Trail that is now complete includes the 3 sculptures in Sturt National Park that take the form of a Bandicoot (Artist: Brian Campbell), a Bilby, and a Quoll (Artist: Ivan Lovett)*. Each adds an element of representation to the Wild Deserts project and the icons that Sturt National Park will once again be recognised for. 


Thank you to the Managers of the Wild Deserts Project, Reece & Bec Pedler for their assistance and coordination of the installation of these magnificent icons in the area.


In addition, the pieces at Milparinka are also now complete, produced by Bonny Quayle and Gritta Walker. These pieces tell the stories of Milparinka, a testament to the Women of Milparinka in the 19th century, reflecting the letters that were written to families and loved ones acknowledging hardships and joy. In addition, a beautiful artwork that can be found in the museum was commissioned by artist Clarke Barrett, depicting Captain Charles Sturt.


The Tibooburra sculpture is now complete and stands outside the new Tibooburra museum. The cameleer and his camel are a testament to Tibooburra's beginnings, as, without camels, settlement in the far reaches of Outback Australia would have been impossible.


In Packsaddle, the addition of a sculptural monolith is a testament to the past and current. Stone pieces engraved by artist Ian Marr of the Outback locations in the region, visited by many including Captain Charles Sturt and the names of Sturt's party on the Inland Sea Expedition. One stone is left unengraved ready for the future to be written. Enjoy this sculpture by sitting around the yarning circle under the windmill... a great place to stop and rest.


The Silhouette images are an important part of bringing art into the region. Each tells a component of the stories that appear on the sign that is situated beside them and is an artistic creation that when set in the backdrop of the landscape brings the history to life. Not to mention a fabulous selfy tour for tourists!


The remaining pieces to the Art Trail include;​

  • Tibooburra Museum Wall - On the side of the museum will be a mural that will showcase the elements of the history and today in Tibooburra. Clark Barrett is the artist. Status; Work has commenced off-site.

  • Milparinka - Another artwork for the trail is another wire sculpture at the intersection of Milparinka Township and Sturts Steps Touring Route. It is of Sturt and his horse, a moment at a time as he traverses the landscape toward Depot Glen. Status; Work has commenced off-site.

  • Milparinka Night Sky Park - in the image gallery you will see a construction with welded metal. This is the construction work of artist Harrie Fasher. The outcome of which, you will see it is in place... something you will have see!


Thanks to West Darling Arts for their assistance in this area of the project.


* Sturt National Park Sculptures were all made from the left-over wire fencing from when the Wild Desert conservation area was fenced. 


Artwork images can be seen below.

Contact West Darling Arts